“Masculinism” Should Be A Thing

“Masculinism” Should Be A Thing
We are in a time where feminism is a global trend.
Yet nothing has changed.
I believe the term “feminist” should be reformed, as the name itself favors a particular gender.
The word feminism has painted a mental picture of women being a weaker species, which is the exact opposite of it’s intended meaning.
According to Wikipedia, feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal and social equality of sexes.
Instead, men are now seen as enemies.
An average Nigerian feminist is a man hater
Only looking for the next opportunity to use the “Men are scum” phrase.
Yet I see men.
I see them abused
I see men as victims of domestic violence
Usually on the receiving end of mental, psychological and emotional torture and black mail.
But somehow it sits well with our society. As long as women are not on the receiving end.
I see a bias arising from the feminist movement
A Twitter user @Ms_Einsteinette said
“Women are given opportunities (most they don’t deserve) just to ensure political correctness.”
It’s so sad how gender sensitivity is now a factor to consider ahead of individual capabilities.
Many a time we hear “vote a woman for president because we have been having men” not because the woman would do any better.
It comes with a feeling of entitlement simply because of a chromosome X was chosen instead of chromosome Y.
Some women today now believe they should be respected not based on what they do, but based on their societal gender roles.
I remember being dropped for a debate once just because the coordinator agreed it would be “gender insensitive” for two male children to represent the school.
Yet feminism is supposed to correct the wide gap in our society’s acceptance of gender.
Another Twitter user @oluwapower said:
“The only actual line that separates acceptable sexual contact and sexual molestation is does the girl LIKE you?”
The female child gets to initiate sexual contact without it being tagged “harassment”, while the male child becomes a pervert for even the most subtle form of sexual contact.
The female child gets to be the alpha and omega, in a case of sexual assault. The female is always the victim, just because it makes more sense that way.
@oluwapower also said:
“When a girl kisses you first, there is no way that is sexual assault, she just wants to show you she likes you, but if you do It could be anything from acceptable sexual contact to RAPE, depending on how much RTs she wants when she relates the story on Twitter.”
Isn’t Feminism Abused?
This should change.
Men get abused every day too.
And No! This isn’t an attack on feminism
It’s just a reality we have chosen to ignore
We shouldn’t be Anti-feminist
I admire feminists
We all should.
In short I agree with renowned author Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche; we should all be feminist.
But that’s no excuse to be sexist.
Sexism is not right, no matter who is on the other end.
We should all be equalist.
We should all be humanist as well.
But I choose to be a Masculinist
Very few people are dedicated to fighting for men’s equality.
A wise friend once said to me “male privilege doesn’t exist, only female privilege”
Imagine a man walking to the police station to say he was raped. He would most probably be laughed off.
Why? Because only women can be raped?
Why is it more likely for a woman to gain custody of a child than a man?
This I still ponder on
The more reason to join the struggle.
In a world where a man’s tears is an abomination, a sign of weakness
There should be more masculinist.
Masculinism should be a thing!
Don’t you agree?
Albeit I do not totally agree with your narrative, it is not to say you do not have major points. However your portrayal of men being the victim in a misogynistic community like ours is impracticable. Being male in our society automatically puts you at an advantage, but you failed to mention this. Instead you conveniently mention feminism’s weaknesses while failing to state how it has helped the girl child in today’s society. As a matter of fact, I think trying to explain myself will make you perceive me as a pained feminist, therefore I would rest my case.
The main purpose of the post is to bring conversations such as this.
It is supposed to be a rant.
However I appreciate you pointing out the fact that my argument has its point.
PS: pointing out the advantages of feminism isn’t my goal. The goal was to argue a case for masculinism, which I believe I did.
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