8 Good Reasons to Go to Graduate School

reasons why you should go to graduate school

Oluwatobi Oso

Call me "Oso Tee" or "OS" if you like😉, I'm fine with it ...I'm a doctorate student of the University of Ibadan, with a specialty in Plant Anatomy, and Botanical Digitization, but that's just a single story. I'm passionate about the personal development of young people like me ...in values, academics, business, and relationships. My passion is fueled by years of volunteering and working with young people, and running a few startups and businesses. All I want is to see us make lasting impacts and achieve great things wherever we find ourselves in life ...And lest I forget, four words keep me going ...With God, I Can!

11 Responses

  1. femiojutiku says:

    This is enough motivation to keep me going. Nice work Oso Tee

    • Thanks Femi Ojutiku. Its a call to make some people who still haven’t established a reason to do so, and also to name those who have established a reason to keep at it …grad school still remains vital at one point or the other …very soon, an article on that will be posted

  2. I’ve definitely made great connections in graduate school. The environment and expectations of grad school have pretty much pushed me forward to be that person. I definitely wasn’t a social type before, but I’m getting better at faking it lol. Certain atmospheres also allow you to easily be that person.

  3. Taiwo 'soltar' Akinyemi says:


  4. AMBALI O. E. says:

    Good. My motivation for going to graduate school lies in my desire to attain more academic and professional advancement. I believe it is the right step for me after my undergraduate studies.

  5. Debby says:

    Last last, Graduate school will just show you that you didn’t really know anything before…

    • Strangely, graduate school never really had that effect on me and some of my friends, although I have some friends who complained a lot about how some things were strange …Different strokes, different folks

  1. August 7, 2017

    […] assume that we can agree that the need for a master degree is gaining practical experience and exposure and so on. Now that we’ve dealt with that, how about […]

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