4 IMPORTANT SUCCESS TIPS – Read and share your story with us
Success is cosmopolitan. We all desire success, irrespective of gender or age. It’s a language everyone understands and desires to speak.
For decades unending, we have had series of self-helps on how to be successful in a chosen career or just basically success in life, such that you would think there should be as many success moguls as there are bestsellers!
I ponder why this is not so. Could it be that these tips are useful to only a limited number of people or that folks read them without actually applying what they learned?
This brings me to the question; How do you define success?
There may be as many definitions for success as there are people.
Success is not a fixed point, and it isn’t a binary metric, you don’t cross a threshold and go from unsuccessful to successful. So, the definition must acknowledge that life is in motion.
Success is not entire. It is not final. It is a continuous process. You don’t just hit a goal mark and decide to stop short. It takes consistency, persistence and endurance.
Below are four points that could be of help in your quest for success in anything you find yourself doing
First off, you need to know that mindset is a great tool in achieving success in any set goal, whether in academics, business, a personal development scheme, or anything all.
Your mindset goes a long way in affecting how you respond to the challenges that will come your way.
“Our capacity to improve all is in the mind” – Carol Dweek.
This may sound ordinary, but then, maybe achieving success is as ordinary as believing in its possibility – have a possibility/optimistic mindset
No matter what you are set out to do, you must believe it is achievable. Tell it to yourself as many times as you need to hear it, that “I AM POSSIBLE”. Make it your mantra.
Be known for your optimism. Let people call you crazy. Litter your wall with success quotes that inspire you the most. Yes, go to the extreme about having a possibility mental orientation.
Know What Motivates You
What motivates you in life? What makes you wake up each morning? What drives you? Why do you choose to stick it out to the end during those seemingly endless lectures?
This might not be a very easy question for some to answer. You might want to take it easy on yourself. Don’t rush, do something reflective thinking.
There are numerous things that you could be motivated by. Some of which might be toxic to your very existence. Not all are healthy per-say. In essence, out of all the things that you could be motivated by, choose those things that can stand the test of time.
Go beyond just wanting to be successful for yourself alone, but for other people to benefit as well. Do not be selfish in your drive for success. Things like need for approval, resentment, materialism, fear, guilt can only take you so far.
Let your motivation be something that helps you to think outside the box and just explore beyond yourself.
An athlete who maintains a consistent work-out routine will most likely be fueled by the medal that awaits him when he wins.
Boost Your Creativity
Creativity is the spice for anything ever made. It means using your imagination or original ideas to create something. It is also known as inventiveness. Creativity involves two processes; thinking then producing.
If you have ideas but don’t act on them, you are imaginative but not creative. Creativity is meant to birth innovation. Innovation is implementation of a new significantly improved product, service or process that creates value for business, government or society. We are living in the age of creativity.
Many might sit on the excuse that ‘I am not creative’. I have news for you, creativity can be learned! On a study by George Land he says ” Creativity is a skill that can be developed and a process that can be learned ”
You can learn to be creative by experimenting, exploring, and putting your imagination to action.
Take Action
Yes, and we come to my final point. You should always keep this in mind that whatever it is you desire to achieve, the best time to start is now. Just go for it and deal with obstacles later as they come.
Don’t spent too much time in your head thinking about what if and yeah but. You will face inner resistance and outer challenges. You just have to trust that you can deal with them as they rise and you get going.
Don’t be afraid to start small. Nothing kills new effort than grand, unrealistic ambitions. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Start slowly and then build up to whatever you want to achieve.
Lastly, know this; the habit of success is cultivated. It is not limited to any special group of people. It is achievable by any person but it is never by mistake. Never let your thinking limit or imprison you.
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